CMS Colleges recognizes the right of all students to work and study in an environment free from harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination. Harassment is defined as behaviour that is directed at an individual or group of students or staff and which is Offensive, belittling, humiliating, intimidating or threatening; and Unwelcome and unsolicited; and
Of the type that is usually unreciprocated and can usually be expected to be repeated.
There may also be instances where you disagree with or seek to challenge a decision or action of the College. Processes are in place for you to make complaints and raise your grievances with the College. CMS College recognizes that complaints and feedback are an important part of ongoing quality and service improvements. Feedback is always welcome and the College is committed to working with you to effectively resolve your grievance.
It is important to understand the policies that relate to your complaint, and that apply to you as a student at the CMS College. You also need to follow the correct process when lodging a complaint.
Academic policies
These policies explain your responsibilities in relation to academic integrity and identifying and addressing academic misconduct.
The students accept to obey the rules and respect the discipline of the college once they are enrolled in the college. Students are expected to obey the following rules:
- Â Work in the college begins every morning, with a prayer recited on the public address system. Students are expected to stand wherever they are and participate silently in the prayer.
- Students should attend classes with regularity and punctuality.
- Students are required to dress modestly and to refrain from causing disturbance to anyone inside the classroom or on the campus.
- Students are expected to be in their seats before the teacher enters the classroom. Students who are free during any period shall not loiter about on the verandahs or corridors of the college. Instead they may make use of the Reading Rooms in the General Library and near the Great Hall.
- Every Student shall handle college property with care. He/she shall keep the classroom clean and tidy. Students found guilty of writing or making marks on the walls of any building of the college or causing damages to college property shall be severely punished. Loss caused by damage to furniture, implements and equipment belonging to the college will be made good by imposing collective fines on all the students. Waste paper should be deposited in the bins provided for the purpose.
- Students are not permitted (a) to convene or attend meetings of any sort in any circumstances anywhere in the college buildings or campus (b) to set up entertainments or organise social functions in the college, (c) to make use of megaphones and loudspeakers on the campus, (d) to invite for any function in the college persons who are not approved of by the Principal and the Council of the Heads of Departments (e) to collect subscriptions of any kind (f) to put up notices anywhere on the campus (g) to place any paper, periodical or book in the Reading Rooms or circulate them in the college (h) to work in the campus for any organisation outside the college, without the previous sanction of the Principal,
- All sorts of political activities are banned in the college. Students are forbidden to take membership in any student organisation of a political nature. Nor are they permitted, within the campus, to lead or partake in any act of propaganda or protest called for by such organisations.
- The use of mobile phones, particularly camera phone, by students during working hours is forbidden.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol, ragging, eve teasing, using abusive language and other anti social activities are strictly prohibited.
- Any notice signed or countersigned by the Principal and published on the College Notice Board shall be considered as having been brought to the notice of the college community
- Photo identity cards will be issued to all students in the college       each year. Every student is expected to wear it during working       hours in the College. A student who is unable to produce his ID card on demand shall be reprimanded and fined.
- Any student who, in the opinion of the Principal, is likely to       have an unwholesome influence on others in the campus shall       be removed from the rolls.
- Â The authority of the Principal in matters of discipline is final.
-  Any questions or issues not covered by the foregoing rules   shall be decided by the Principal.
Conduct Certificate
A certificate of good character and conduct is a testimonial which the student has to earn. This will be issued to a student only after the class warden concerned, testifies his / her good conduct.
Attendance Certificate
The College has set the regulations for attendance in accordance with the rules issued by the University.
They are as follows:
- A student is expected to have a minimum of 75% attendance in the course of instruction followed by him / her during the semester to appear for the examination. If attendance is less than 75% and greater than 65%, application shall be submitted to the University, through the College for condonation from shortage of the minimum attendance. It is given only on medical grounds. Those students having less than 65% attendance are not eligible to appear for the examination. Condonation is possible only twice during the academic programme. Application fee for condonation is Rs. 25/- and fee for condonation is Rs. 280/-Those who submit application for condonation after the commencement of examination shall remit a superfine of Rs. 500/-
- Attendance shall be marked at the beginning of each class – be it lecture, practical, composition or tutorial by the teacher concerned.
- Students shall occupy their seats before attendance is taken. Late comers can enter the classroom only with the permission of the teacher.
- Absence from the class for at least one hour in a half day (morning or afternoon) session shall be considered as absent during the concerned half – day session.
- Application for leave should be forwarded to the Principal through the class warden.
- Application for leave should be made in advance or on the very day of return in case of unforeseen eventualities.
- Disciplinary action will be taken against those who repeatedly absent themselves without sufficient reason.
- The responsibility of making sure that he/she has the required attendance rests entirely upon the student.
 Compliance with these rules make a student eligible to sit for the End Semester Examination.
Examination and Test Papers
It is imperative that all students should take the college examinations and test papers regularly. Progress of a student is judged mainly by the marks scored for term examinations. The following are the rules framed by the college with regard to a student’s conduct in taking examinations and tests.
- All examinations and tests should be taken after diligent preparation and in all seriousness.
- Leave of absence during days of examination and test papers may be granted by the Principal or by a member of the teaching staff authorized by the Principal for the purpose.
- Application for such leave should be made before the examination or test paper is due.
- In case of ill health a medical certificate signed by a registered medical practitioner should be presented along with the application for leave of absence.
- Absence without leave from examinations and test papers will be regarded gravely and may entail heavy fines and ineligibility to sit for the university examination.
- Any kind of malpractice in examinations or test papers is a very serious offence and shall be dealt with severely.
Information regarding University examinations can be obtained from the Co-operative Store of the college and from the website of the University.