Appointment of Dr. Anju Sosan George as Principal (in-charge) of CMS College Kottayam

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Anju Sosan George has been appointed as the Principal (in-charge) of CMS College Kottayam. Dr. Anju Sosan George brings with her a wealth of academic experience and a deep commitment to the values and mission of our institution.

Dr. Anju Sosan George is an Associate Professor of English at CMS College Kottayam, specializing in Disability Studies and Fiction. Her academic journey reflects her dedication to excellence and her passion for literature and fiction.

Dr. Anju Sosan George’s extensive background and specialization have equipped her with a unique perspective that will undoubtedly enrich our academic environment. Her leadership will guide CMS College Kottayam towards continued growth and innovation.

Published On: June 1st, 2024Categories: College News

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