Dr. Hari N
- BSc., Kerala University, 1996
- MSc., Kerala University, 1998
- PhD., MG University, 2004
Area of Specialization
- Plant Physiology
- Plant Anatomy
- Phytochemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Pteridology
- Palynology
- Anatomical profiling and palynological studies in various groups of plants
- Plant physiology and Phytochemistry in various groups of plants
- Seed technology and DNA – barcoding
- B01 B01U- Methodology
- B02B02U- General Informatics
- B05 B07U- Plant Breeding
- B05B08u- Evolution
- B06B010U- Gymnosperms
- PC – 3- Pteridology
- PC- 5 – Gymnosperms & Evolution
- PC -7 – Plant Anatomy & Angiosperm Systematics
- Pc-9- Research Methodology
- PC -10- Plant Breeding
- PE-2- Genetic Engineering
- PE-3- Genomics