Dr.Biju Joseph

Dr.Biju Joseph

Assistant Professor
Email: [email protected]


  • BSc., MG University, 2000
  • MSc., Cochin University, 2004
  • Ph.D., Indira Gandhi Center For Atomic Research, 2015

Area of Specialization

  • Non-aqueous Electrochemistry
  • High Temperature molten salts
  • Room Temperature Ionic liquids
  • Electrochemical preparation of highly reactive metals

Non-aqueous electrolytes like high temperature molten salts and room temperature ionic liquids have a significant role in the area of nuclear industry. Electro-reduction of actinide oxide to metal is a key step in the non-aqueous reprocessing of spent metallic fuels. Electro-reduction studies of uranium oxide to uranium metal in high temperature LiCl-Li2O melt and in the RTIL MPPiNTf2 by FFC Cambridge process are the major works of my research.

  • Thermodynamics
  • Electrochemistry
  • Kinetics
  • Surface Chemistry
