Jisha Mary Mathew
- B.Com., M G UNIVERSITY, 2005
- M.Com, M G UNIVERSITY, 2007
- M.Ed., M G UNIVERSITY, 2012
Area of Specialization
- Finance
Health Insurance
- CM1811201 – Banking Theory and Practice
- CM1812202- Insurance and Risk Management
- CM1813110 – Marketing Management
- CM1814114 – Advertisement and Sales Management
- CM1815117 – International Financial Reporting Standards
- CM1816121 – Principles of Business Decisions
- CM1921101 – Advanced Financial Accounting
- CM1922106 – Accounting Standards and Reporting
- Presented (online)a paper titled, A Study on Digital Insurance Special Reference to Life and Health at the two days international conference on Trends in Management and Technology conducted by Srinivas Institute of Technology on 12th and 13th October2023.
- Research paper titled ,A Study on Awareness and Usage of Health Insurance for Corona Virus at one day national E-Conference on Sustainable Development and Social Innovation in Economics, Finance and Information Technology conducted by Shri G.P.M. Degree College of Science &Commerce ,Andheri ,Mumbai on 15th January 2022