Dr. Aleena Manoharan

Assistant Professor
Email: [email protected]


  • B.A., University of Kerala, 2004
  • M.A., Madras Christian College, 2006
  • Ph.D., University of Madras, 2011

Area of Specialization

  • Ecocriticism
  • Australian indigenous literature
  • post-colonial literatures

UGC Minor Research Project
Agency: UGC
Title: Indo-Australian Connections: Exploring tinai Traditions in the Plays of Jack Davis Amount: 2,25000

BA English
1. Common Course “Fine Tune your English” EN1811501
2. Common Course “Pearls from the Deep” EN1811502
3. Common Course “Issues That Matter” EN1812503
4. Common Course “Savouring the Classics” EN1812504
5. Common Course “Gems from the Deep” EN1813506
6. Common Course “Relishing the Classics” EN1814508
7. Literary Criticism and Theory EN1815108
8. American Literature EN1816113
MA English
1. Literary Criticism and Academic Writing EN1921104
2. Literature of the 19 th Century EN1922106
3. American Literature EN1923111
4. Modern European Drama EN1924301

  1. Heba Thankam Varghese, 01-01-2020 “Imagining the Diasporic Self: A Study of Temporary Migration and Diasporic Experience in Popular Representation”
  2. Juby P. Thankachan, 01-01-2020 “Folklore of Alapuzha: The tinai Tradition”
  3.  Titus Augustine, 13-04-2022 “The Jesuit Missionary Discourse in Malabar as Narratives of Cross-Cultural Communication”
