Jeya P

Assistant Professor
Email: [email protected]


  • B.Sc.,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,2004
  • M.Sc.,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,2006
  • M.Phil.,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,2008

Area of Specialization

  • Irradiation effects in semiconducting nanomaterials.

My research area is primarily centered on exploring the impact of irradiation on semiconducting nanomaterials. At present, my work involves a detailed investigation into low-energy ion implantation and heavy ion irradiation techniques. These methods are instrumental in altering and enhancing the properties of semiconductor materials. My goal is to understand and harness these changes to advance the field of nanotechnology and materials science.

  • PH1815402 Physics in Daily Life
  • PH1816605 Thermal Physics, Spectroscopy and C++ Programming (P)
  • PH1816603 Electricity, Magnetism and Laser (P)
  • PH1812204 Mechanics and Superconductivity
  • PH1813206 Modern Physics and Magnetism
  • PH1814208 Optics and Solid State Physics
  • AP1922602 Electronics Practical
  • AP1923301 Laser Physics and Solar Cells
  • AP1923302 Photonics – I
  • AP1923701 Photonics Practical
