Mahatma Gandhi University (formerly Gandhiji University) was established on 2 October 1983 in Kottayam district of Kerala State. Also known as MG University has grown these years to become one among the TOP 50 UNIVERSITIES IN INDIA, ranked by India Today magazine. MG University is selected for Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative set up by U.S.-India Governments for Institutional Partnership Grants. This created MG University  to form partnership with Brown University, Duke University and Plymouth State University from USA.
Mahatma Gandhi University offers around 299 academic programmes (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral degrees) in the fields of Pure and Applied Sciences, Technology, Paramedical Studies, Nursing, Management, Engineering, Gandhian Thought, International Relations, Politics, Physics, Nano Science, Disability Studies, Rehabilitation Sciences, Special Education, Psychology, Behavioural Medicine, Tourism, Journalism, Chemical Sciences, Polymer Engineering, Hospital Administration, Environmental Sciences, Disaster Management, Business Studies, Commerce, Economics, Arts, Pedagogical Studies, Hotel and Hospitality Management, Catering Science, Food and Nutrition, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Geoinformatics among others. Average annual student enrollment is between 17,000-18,000 as per 2013 statistics.
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