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Col. Munroe became the Resident of Travancore-Kochi in 1810. He also got the additional charge of Kochi in the successive years. He thought of improving the educational standards in the states under his charge. Munroe was also keen in abolishing social ills like slavery. He decided to establish a seminary college. In 1813 Col. Munroe wrote to the CMS in England seeking permission to start a college in Travancore. In 1814 permission was obtained and the CMS established a corresponding committee in Madras. Rev. Norton reached the Travancore shores to execute Col. Munroe’s educational vision.

Sunil Thiruvaniyoor, in his relief sculpture establishes this historical moment. He does not resort to a narrative technique. Instead he brings in two emblematic figures, one a portrait of Col. Munroe and the other a letter to the CMS in England from him. This letter had set the ball rolling. Sunil flanks these two images with an image that looks like a flowing cloth. But the yoke at the upper edge of the panel could suggest that in those days transportation in Travancore was in rudimentary forms and one could only rely on bullock carts for conveyance and transportation of people and goods.

Published On: January 27th, 2024Categories: Relief Sculpture

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