Answer : Students can borrow books for a period of 14 days. Borrowed books can be renewed once. Your renewal request will not be accepted if the book is in demand by others.

Answer : You can issue books for home lending, but Reference and Rare Books are not issued.

Answer : To find a particular book you can use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue of Library books ). Else you can contact the Books Circulation Desk  in the Library.

Answer : The Collins Library remains open between 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on all working days except 2nd Saturday of the month, Sundays and Govt. holidays.

Answer : Nobody is allowed to borrow books from the Library on someone else’s card.

Answer : College Library provides Xerox facility to its users. The charge for an A4 size Xerox page is Re. 1/-. Entire book/document is not allowed to be xeroxed. Periodical articles can be xeroxed. Ph.D. Theses and Dissertations are not permitted for Xerox.

Answer : Library workstations are intended only for searching the Library Catalogue, Database and access of electronic resources, hence personal use of the same is strictly prohibited.

Answer : Printed copies of previous year exam papers are available in reading room.

Answer : Any form of marking or writing in a book, whether it is with pencil or pen, is not permitted. Folding of corners of book is also prohibited. Anyone vandalizing a book in this way is liable to be charged a fine to cover the cost of book and also can be banned from using Library.

Answer : Books are arranged on the shelf as per subject classified order (According to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme).

Answer : You can put a demand slip at the Circulation Counter for the same.

Answer : You should inform circulation staff immediately and replace the latest edition of the same book. If the book is out of print or not available in the market, then you have to follow the instruction of the Librarian.

Answer : If the damage is minor you have to pay binding charges else you have to replace it with the new one.

Answer : Outsiders can avail Library  facility for specific period provided they are permitted by the Principal. Outsiders are not entitled to borrow books. However they can avail the photocopying facility. Identity card or recommendation letter of your Institution is necessary.
